St Luke's Vision
St. Luke’s seeks to be a welcoming, growing and outward looking Church family. We believe that we are called to be ‘Good News’ to our community by being ‘salt & light’ in the midst of it. We want to introduce people to Jesus Christ and then support all who seek to follow Jesus to grow in their faith with him, wherever they are on their journey of faith and no matter how long they’ve been walking with Jesus. We are a family of God on mission together, pursuing Jesus and seeking to inhabit our world distinctively. We seek to be a church that build bridges with our community through working in partnership with other local churches, projects and agencies so we avoid duplicating the efforts of others. We want to free others and be free ourselves to excel in our strengths, whilst supporting others and being supported in our weaknesses. We want to see Canning Town and East London transformed by the love of Jesus Christ and not just by bulldozers and building sites!

At St Luke’s we hold a number of values and hopes. We want our church to be a place where the following is a good description of what it means to be part of what God is doing here:
- All in together- young and old and everything in between pursuing Jesus as family
- Building on strong foundations- we start from where we are and seek to grow and develop
- Celebrating joyfully all that is brilliant about Canning Town and all that God is doing here. We choose to celebrate those who have come to faith alongside those who dare to share their faith and read out to others. We mark answered prayer and encourage one another on our faith journeys
- Deep discipleship and depth in our relationships with God and with one another-
- Evangelism is on our radars - we want to share the Good News we’ve found to be true in Jesus Christ.
- Family - we are a family pursuing Jesus and sharing his love with those around us.
- Generosity - God invites us to be part of his plan for our world and we choose to join in with our time, our talents and our money. We are generous in our love for one another and our neighbours.
- Hope - we are hope filled and believe God has good things in store for our church and our community.
- Invitational - we have good news to share and we will invite others to know God and join us here at St Luke’s!